Rodríguez - López Laboratory

Advanced Electroanalysis for Energy Materials

The Group: Fall 2024
Pictured left to right: Zirui, Abdel, Nafisa, Julia, Kristin, Dong Ok, Armando, YoonGyeong, Gavin, Mike, AR, Aditi, Seth, Sonam, Peisen, Hayden, Micah, Ethan, Riyo, and El Jefe (JRL)

Our Mission

The Rodríguez-López group tackles analytical and materials challenges in electrochemical science that impact our understanding of the fundamentals of electrified interfaces, addressing challenges in the design of energy and environmental technologies. We strive to be a world-class group that leads in electrochemical analysis using electrochemical imaging, nanoelectrodes, modern nanofabrication tools, spectroscopy, electrochemical simulations, and new instruments for electrochemical education. We welcome a diverse body of students and postdocs who are interested in chemistry, materials science, engineering, and related fields. We are open to pursue new directions that synergize our expertise with others'. We are a highly collaborative group, with a strong track record of producing exciting work with collaborators in polymer, catalysis, energy, simulation, and biological sciences. Our most proud achievement is the training of well-rounded group members with great prospects for their careers. Undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students have found their way to industry, national laboratories, and academia as postgraduates, and as new faculty. Our group fosters a strong sense of collaboration and encouragement to achieve your best during your stay at the University of Illinois; this includes pursuing prestigious awards and fellowships.

Diversity Statement

We enable a diverse group of scientists that achieve excellence in their profession through the development, appreciation, and sharing of skills that complement our training and the fostering of positive attitudes that lead to inclusiveness. We are aware of the many hurdles and difficulties that students find in constructing their professional life, and we are committed to help students overcome them by providing an environment where they can thrive in exploring their interests in science without fear. We believe that students with different backgrounds complement our academic and scientific experience. We strive to be inclusive with the idea that excellence is only achieved if we develop the tools that help bring out the best talents and potential from every member. We value and welcome people of every race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, identity, ability, country of origin, etc. We value the diversity of our group and we will not tolerate hateful speak or negative actions in all forms, including but not limited to sexual harassment and assault, racist or sexist language, homophobia, xenophobia, etc. We are mindful of challenges in work-life balance and mental health, and we address them to the best of our possibilities to enable our group members not only to be their best at academics, but also exemplary parents, happy students, ethical scientists, and overall, great people.

See our Research and People pages to learn more about who we are and what we do!

Please click here to see our complete Group Expectations document.